AdSense smart pricing is something that You probably hear about. It is off course "unofficial" like any other stuffs related to google, but since a ot of people noticed this, we will threat adsense smart pricing as fact and here we will how to avoid or remove smart pricing.
So what is adsense smart pricing ?
Imagine that You have (and maybe you really have) 5 blogs or sites (ok let say just blogs) and adsense on those blogs. Every of those 5 sites i related to different niche market keywords etc. Every of those 5 blogs, makes you aprox $100 monthly, what means that You have approximately $500 montly from your 5 blogs on different keywords and niche markets. At one moment you release that You earnings dropped from $500 to $300 monthly and You are not understanding what happens: you have same traffic (actulay it may be that your traffic is increased) You have same maybe better number of visitors, you have same number of click, but earnings dropped and there is no chance to raise them. Those are classically symptoms of "been adsense smart priced."
Why this happend ?
Well there are few theories why adsense smart pricing beome active for your account, but from my expirience, it is from one simple reason: google think that You have some junk content which he threat as MFA (made for adsense) content, and because of that google want to protect their advertisers, giving "smart pricing" attribute to whole account. Problem is when one of your sites is smart priced, your whole account is smart priced, so if just one of your 4 blogs have bed/copyrighted content, click from rest 4 will be much "cheaper" for advertisers and of course you will receive less money from every click from any of your 5 blogs.
Solution for adSense smart pricing:
If you think that you are smart priced, first done some analysis: compare adsense earnings, CPC and CPM for period before and after been smart priced, if difference is dramatical (more than 50%) then you are probably been smart priced. Find critical blog (with bad, copyrighted, crappy, spamming content) and remove adSense from that blog.If you find right blog that makes problem to rest of your 4 blogs, than very fast, in next few days You will see that You adSense earning coming back. In that time period check every single post and every single word on blog that made this smart pricing problem to you, and fix that with right content. If You can't find anything suspicious than is better to burn that blog or at least change advertiser company yo chitaka, adBrite or whenever you want, or in other words keep adSense from it. In the other hand If You find problem, and fix it, then feel free to back adSense on blog, and watch carefully what happens with your online adSense incomes in next week. If you get back your old earnings that You are successfully stepped out from adSense pricing problem.
If you have any more specifically questions about this, which I usualy like to call adSense consequence, please feel free to contact me, and I will try to help you with this problem since I had it and researched a lot about this subject.
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